I made a great leap forward today! The splined shaft had caused me problems, it needed to have one end turned down and threaded 12mm. I have an imperial lathe so I tried to thread it with a die, of course it turned out crooked! I admitted defeat and went to a local engineering firm who quoted me £15 to thread it for me. It sounded a bargain so I left it with them. I collected it today and rushed home to fit it, perfection!!!!!
I have now mounted the castings that support the top pulley and everything is turning freely.
The next job is to machine the pulleys, I have decided to use poly V belt as the thinness gives me more clearance around the top casting.
After much searching I managed to find the dimensions for the pulley grooves, now I have to grind a tool to cut them. Does anybody have suggestions on how I can grind it accurately enough to fit the belt?