Hi Lads
Thought i would start yet another project .. like i don't have enough on the go

.After using the Denford CNC mill for a wile and starting to get to grips with this CNC lark ,, i found the mill was getting a bit limited ,, cracking machine just a tad small for my needs ,,, The machine i really wanted is way way out of my price rang for possibly the next century

,, so i decided to sell off the Denford and other spares i had to fund this project

, dont you just love Ebay

anyway enough drivel .
Some of the hardware arrived a week ago ,, 25mm 5 mm/P ballscrews and nuts , three 12Nm steppers , couple of couplings , two breakout boards and a pendant .

The Drives and PSU should be here this week ,,,,,,,,,,,, i hope !
So i thought i would pull the table and compound ways of the mill and try a ballscrew for size.

Not allot of room

,,,,,, a bit of machining required me thinks ,,,,,, i set the table and slide up on the surface plate to check that the outer face was parallel with the ways ,,,,, turned out to be not to shabby.

I used this face to clock the job in on the mill so that the section i machine out will be square to the table ways .

Milled out the area for the nut mounting plate .
