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Was This a Good Buy

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To calibrate engineers  spirit levels......

Stand level on almost level surface.

Note bubble position.

Turn level around. (180dgrs).

Note bubble position.

Adjust with locknuts (on r/h end, Dave`s pic), to give same reading either way round.......  :thumbup:

David D

Spot on David, you've saved me a job.



Aw, Flamin' Nora, it's not that simple, is it?

Now why didn't I think of that? No, don't bother to reply! I know why  :doh:

Good job I took up Electrical Engineering. If I'd had to earn a crust with  Mechanical, I would have died of starvation decades ago ..

So what error would I expect if I did that. My Stabilo ( builders level ) 4' says 0.5mm / metre . Or 1 part in 2000 (?) Dunno if it actually is tho'. No way to verify.

Better that that I would hope .. but what.

Many thanks anyway Dave, ... now back to soldering in some resistors. Two holes, two wires. Anyway round is OK. I might just scrape through. ::)

On the other hand ......

Dave BC  

Blimey lads, you ain't bought those ............. you've stolen them  :clap:

Good result, if you find any more snap em up  :thumbup:



--- Quote from: Bluechip on September 04, 2009, 02:50:28 PM ---Aw, Flamin' Nora, it's not that simple, is it? 
--- End quote ---

'fraid so  :beer:



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