The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Music in the workshop

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Oh boy this is going to be fun... I am into bands that make most people look at me funny when I mention their names...   :scratch:

VNV Nation
The Cruxshadows
Sisters of Mercy
Abney Park
Apoptygma Berserk
Beborn Benton
Icon of Coil
Neurotic Fish
Dead Can Dance
New Order
Depeche Mode

I also listen to Classical and Opera  :headbang:

And can't go without Dean Martin And Frank Sinatra!


Divided he ad:
Music, music, music..... Now there is a subject!

I was waiting for the thread to start after reading the earlier question from Peter....

--- Quote ---Thanks Ralph - maybe not on this thread, but I have oft time wondered what music model engineers listen to when in the shop?
--- End quote ---
What made you think I liked music in my shop Peter? You been reading all the old threads?

Well anyway, an answer...  I like all manor of stuff.... A full list would take forever so I'll list some favourites and see where we go from there...

From a young age as with many people I suppose my dads music collection influenced me...

Dire Straits. (Mark Knopflers solo stuff too)
Status Quo.... Oh yeh  :headbang:  Got Quo?

Then we get into the stuff I found through my life...

Guns N' Roses.
Thin Lizzy. (Gary Moores solo stuff too)
Pearl Jam.
The Cult.
Lenny Kravitz.
The Who.
Jimi Hendrix.
Fleetwood mac.
Chris Rea.
Eric Clapton.
Deep Purple.
.... Am I sounding like a rock nut?  :headbang:

Well.... Try this lot....
The police.
The Beatles.
Paul simon (and stuff with Art Garfunkel too)
Sheryl Crow.
Spin Doctors.
Tracy Chapman.
Phil collins (Yes his stuff is good!)
Billy Joel.
The Levellers.

And the mellow side of things....

Pink Floyd.
Mike Oldfield. (got 12 albums of mellow tastic stuff!)
Ben E. King.
Newton Faulkner.
Ed Allenyne-Johnson.
Rob Costlow.
Andy Martin.
John Denver.
Bob Dylan.
Otis Redding.
Sam Cook.
BB King.
Al Green.

Fun stuff...
Monty Python sings.
Stephen Lynch.
Kevin Bloody Wilson.

Erm well.... There are many more.... I think it'd bore the hell out of many people so I'll not list anymore of them?!
Got to add I don't much care for most forms of rap and hip hop....And I hate the way they have re-branded/stolen the term for R&B!  :hammer:   Just the way it is I suppose, you can't like everything!

Much of the stuff I listen to is mainstream, you hear it somewhere and like it etc, but there are a few who I have heard live and just couldn't believe my ears!

I love live music played well, be it covers in a pub or original stuff at a concert type venue... Live music played well is fantastic  :headbang:

After all that, what is the stuff I listen to in the shop?

All of the Above when my Ipod is on random... But if I'm "in the zone" it tends to be instrumental stuff.... Ed Allenyne-johnson, Rob Costlow, Mike Oldfield, Andy martin, Vangelis and the likes.

This thread I like.... It gives you not only an insight into what others like but the oportunity to search out some of that music and see what it is like yourself  :thumbup:

Chris, The video you posted was quite enjoyable, Victor Wooten is a name I have heard before and watched/listened to many of the videos on the net involving him.... Very good bass player he is too!
Never seen Bela Fleck before... I'll investigate further!

Randy Newman  :lol:   Short people is played quite often to some friends of mine  ::)  :)

I hope your dress sense has improved?   :lol: 
Jump around.... Do you like it because of the Bob & Earl beginning or just because it makes you want to jump around?

Eric.... Your right, your into some odd stuff.... Depeche Mode!!!  :bugeye:
New order are ok, the rest I've never noticed! I'll have some homework out of that lot!!!   :coffee:

Tired now.... Too much typing!!



don't need to say any more  :headbang:


--- Quote from: CrewCab on May 16, 2009, 07:44:28 PM ---QUEEN

don't need to say any more  :headbang:

--- End quote ---

Even with all the odd music I listen to... I still love Queen. Never got to see them. I did see The Brian May Band though...

Apes and Androids Have been likened to a modern Queen.


Very sad on my part.

Anything after the 70's I tend not to bother with unless I really like the artist. I do enjoy some Queen, love the Moody Blues, and although the biggest lie teller in modern history, Bob Dylan is a hero. Joan Baez, Nana Mouskouri and Melani Safka are all my favourite female artists, with Katie Melua as a more modern one.

As Ralph will tell you, I also like some wierdo stuff, The Tiger Lillies springs to mind.

But opera and classical is my very favourite, with Verdi being at the top of my list.

I have no music in my shop, because I like to hear the machinery singing and telling me what it is doing.

Sad I know, but everyone has their own ways.



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