Nice one. Any chance of parts inside?
Google tranlator offered finnish and I tried it. Hilarious. Even the english part. Can you guess which meaning it used for "spring". You guess it! Not the springgy one, but seasonal one.
Yeah, Google Translate is NOT what it was ... one can say, Google is NOT what it was - all this integration **** ... Gabriel, blow your horn !
Parts inside ... a spring (nothing to do with the seasons
) and a "nail-like" tip - the head of the "nail" shall be bigger than the diameter of the spring - that's it !
I learned that nearly every tap - except the "small" ones - have en "center-drill" in the top end of the shaft - but unfortunately the "smaller" ones have a cone like a tip !
So, in fact the very "tip" should be reversible - something like this:
As shown here, it's for the bigger taps with a "center drill" in the top.
Here it's for the smaller taps with a cone in the top !
when you are a nuclehead - you just make a new one ... so, that's what I'm gonna do
I have maded a schetch in Schetch on my web site: