Finally I got myself to test, what Win 10 is about. I'd still prefer to use Win 7, but there's no way around, that its hardware support is fading away.
It has become as a habit for me to strip out as much excess stuff that I can, when doing clean win 7 install. It has been quite an easy thing to do just by disabling certain services and uninstalling needless stuff.
But no, with win 10 it doesn't seem to be that simple. "Full" 10 install is just horrible. No wonder that there are so many videos on youtube, and all kinds of scripts to "debloat" it.
After watching some videos of how the Windows iso-image can be modified, I opted for WinToolkit and MSMG toolkit, as they both are free.
First one, wintoolkit does its job, but for me it appears to be for advanced users (who actually know what they are doing), as there are so many options to choose from.
Msmg toolkit, however allows one to choose components to be removed more in a 'bulk' way.
But which version of Win 10? So far I've tested 1903, 2004 and latest, 22H2.
For now, I'll stick to 1903, as for some reason, with other two versions, even after modifying the iso images - with same options - there are still stuff like microsoft store hanging around.
I guess the newer the windows version, harder it is to remove all that crap, at least when using msmg toolkit.
I'll probably install win 10 with current os at some point, but for testing purposes, I ordered separate ssd drive.
In the meantime, the setup I'm using is Oracle VM (also free software) on win 7, as msmg toolkit itself doesn't run on win 7.
So far, as a result, start menu (although I don't like it much) is a lot cleaner, right after finishing the installing: