Thanks and you may have the very information I am seeking!
I am not thinking of building a flying model and we do know a little about simulators having built one for our museum.
The general idea is that the project will be an enclosed cabin mounted for movement in pitch, yaw and roll. That in itself does not seem too complicated to connect the 'stick' and rudder to the actuator machinery.
What I am looking for is a way to read the actual attitude of the cabin so as to adjust the instruments, sound effects and vibration in a realistic manner. That is what I am thinking an electronic gyro unit might provide.
I suspect the outputs of the gyro are correction signals for the three axis, is that right? Is the nature of the outputs the same as used to drive model aircraft servos? If so, for example if my controller program receives an 'up elevator' signal it could change the instruments and sound effects etc to reflect a nose down attitude. Bear in mind that the movement of the cabin is controlled by the 'pilot' and this gyro system is used only to enhance the environment, instruments, noise, vibration.
I have no doubt there are commercially available systems including entire simulators and yes scales on the machine would be possible. However this is 'Madmodders' site and does our culture not require us to use our initiative and, for example, modify and use stuff in ways the makers never imagined?
One little gyro chip unit must be easier that physical sensors and connecting wires on the 'machine'?