Having a bit of a nightmare with everything in the workshop this week not just the printer, to start with I printed the front bed mounts totally wrong so having to reprint them now.
So I thought while I am waiting for the first one to print I will get on with a fette rollling head I have to fix for wifes work. This one has been bodged previous to me getting it and I got so fixated on A)the fact that whoever had reassembled it had got the cams totally wrong one being two teeth out of sync and the other seven teeth out and B)someone had made some new parts totally wrong so the parts where not mating together properly That I forgot to check the most common reason for a rolling head to be running rough. Got to the bit where I remove the cams to place them in correct position and noticed that they where worn to buggery

So now I have the situation where I have said a rolling head that should already be in the scrap bin can be fixed. Lucky for me that my wife has just been promoted to manager

and thinks she can get some reasonable replacements for me.
Thats not the end of it though I knocked out the bodged parts ready to put new ones in and they have given me the wrong replacements or at least I hope they have and part of the bodge wasn't opening up the holes to fit the bodge.