I printed a bunch of junk over the weekend, and a few good parts, but I didn't take any pictures. I'll take some tonight when I get home.
I switched my slicing software, I went from Slic3r to Simplify 3D, and I like it a LOT! With Slic3r I always had trouble printing a thin wall, >1.5mm thick, without leaving a gap in the perimeter. When Slicer couldn't fit all the required perimeters in the wall it would just leave a gap, I eventually just gave up trying to print a solid wall less than 2mm thick.
When Simplify 3D can't fit in all the perimeters it too will leave a gap, but then it will fill that gap in the perimeter with solid infill - no more hollow walls where they are supposed to be solid.
The part that gave me the most trouble was the replacement radiator grill. On the original Bruder model this is a solid part. I wanted to open this up and mount a cooling fan under the grill. Partially just because I could, but also because it seems like I'm trying to fit 10 pounds of parts into a 5 pound sack and some of those parts have a tendency of getting a trifle warm. Battery packs and drive motors for instance. A cooling fan won't hurt anything and it just FEELS right.
The first time I printed it the grill ALMOST fit. The width was a little too tight, so I took off 0.5mm and printed it again. The curve where the angled grill meets the counterweight was not quite right, but it was acceptable. However it was TOO long by at least a mm, maybe two. So I took a mm off the length and printed it again. IT STILL DIDN'T FIT - too long! WTF, I cut it off twice and it's still too long? This started an almost day long adventure into checking/verifying slicer and printer settings and calibration. The most frustrating part was that everything checked out as being OK.
All right, what is going on here? This part starts out at a 13.5° angle from the print bed. I rotate it so that it builds flat and doesn't require support to print. Is that rotation is causing the issue? I'm going to take another 2mm out of the length, print it, and fix the fit with a file if I have to. So I take 2mm out of the length, fix the hole size for the cooling fan mounting bolts and print it - again. WTF??? It's 4mm too short? How'd that happen? I modified the 3D cad file and saved it, check? Check! I saved the STL file after I modified the 3D file, check? Ummm... awww-CRAP!! I wasted most of a day because somebody forgot to save the stinkin' STL file? It's obviously time to hire some competent help around here. Crueby gets shop elves that work for cookies, and all I get are stinkin' shop gnomes that sit around claiming they're on their break and threatening to file grievances with the union? I guess you get what you pay for huh?
Pictures will follow.