The Craftmans Shop > PowerSports
A loader for the Ford 850 from bits and pieces
Sods Law isn't it ! Well now at least you have a shelf spare !
Well spotted
I've finally been using the Ford -- here (yesterday) clearing a turnaround for our so-called driveway -- something I've wanted for years. Here headed uphill in somewhat thick going. At the top I'll cut in the site for the new cistern I'll be building to tide us over for future drought(s).
I did clear up to that spot yesterday, but it rained all day today (naturally -- I'm working on a drought project) so I burned brush instead. I've been unable to do that because open fires had been banned. But with the two rains in the past week and a wet day all day today, it seemed a safe bet. I happened to see our local fire chief at the country store this morning when I was getting a cup of coffee, and asked him if it was okay to burn. He said, sure is!. He'd had 10 calls this morning asking the same thing, and was planning to burn brush himself today!
Just a few more photos to show how well the Ford has worked out. It starts instantly -- head problems are a thing of the past -- it's been working hard pulling three big (20") pine stumps out of the ground, pulling out a dozen logs buried by the former owner of this land, a logging company:
Since everything is a slope here I had to dig down about 3 feet on the high side to get a level base for the new cistern. This is undisturbed earth, no fill. The backhoe worked well to cut in fairly evenly: I hardly had to use a shovel,
The whole site -- foundation dig on right, road straight ahead, buried stuff piled on left. I was able to cut in the turnaround road, pull out concrete and log rubble, pull stumps, and dig the foundation on 10 gallons of gas. It was truly a jungle out there to start. Compare how it looks here with the way it was in the picture last post, when I was working on adding the road.
All in all very happy with my cobbled together tractor with the blown head and mismatched front end loader. It's finally doing what I want! :ddb:
Looking good, buddy! Part of me is envious, seems like a nice place to live, you have..
Be careful, I and most of the rest of MM like to see more of your posts, and not on your healing/hospital tenure!
Steve - I've just read this entire thread from end to end, dunno how I missed it last year - superb work! And a proper happy ending too! Except it's not really an ending, but a new beginning...
I have machine envy again. Oh dear...
Remember that old saying - if all you've got is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail? Well, I can imagine all of your projects just now seem to require a hole in the ground! :lol:
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