Got a brand new 275 x 2 x 32 HSS cut off saw blade (*) delivered yesterday for my Pedrazzoli cut off saw, so I decided to clean out its soluble oil tank and refresh it. Give the new blade a good start in life

Mixed up too much soluble oil, so decided to fill the Colchester Master 2500 cutting tank which I never re-filled having moved workshops. It takes a couple of gallons, so I topped up my bucket to two gallons and poured it in.
OK so why do we have this BIG puddle on the floor

... oh yes, at the last place I had had to shorten the tank as it was too close to a wall to come out otherwise - it only holds one gallon now

. . quick trip outside to steal one of the wifes sacks of sawdust pellets she uses as goose bedding, tip it on the floor and disaster averted . . . spend next hour sweeping up and chasing pellets out from under things

Still, now have coolant on the lathe - I've been getting by using a hand squirty thing, and coolant nicked from the CNC lathe up till now

(* incidentally these blade cost huge sums - decent quality ones are upwards of £100 in the usual catalogues - I found a British firm making them and selling direct for £35 inc vat and they seem very good quality - CNC laser cut from HSS blanks then ground - if anyone is looking for cut off saw blades PM me and I'll send the details - support UK industry !!! )