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Finding things to do.

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love your posts :D
great job mate :thumbup: :headbang:


No glue was harmed during the making of these handles.

Measured across the pointy bits of the allen key, subtracted 0.1mm (0.004"), drilled hole in end that size to a depth of about 25mm (1"). Wacked on with a lead hammer, with the allen key down in the vice jaws and resting on the bottom of the casting.

On the larger one, used for locking up the saddle, it has totally transformed the way it works. No more hurting fingers, and being extended, allows much easier use. The smaller one is used to tighten up the grub screw on the newly installed cross slide lock.

The main lathe handles feel much more positive and comfortable.

I will have to go tinkering elsewhere to see if anything else requires a 'softening' touch.


BTW, if you notice the half nut selector dial, that has a few markings on it. That will be my next post about making something. Ralph has already seen the basic bones as it was partially done last week, and I hope to finish it off tomorrow.

Ah, right, thank you. Think I'll have a go at that.  I have sets of those metric and AF allen keys with plastic t-bar handles but they're not very accurate and the handles always feel a bit strained under pressure (though I've yet to break one).

Intrigued to see what your next post involving the half nuts is about  :D


Nice one!  :clap:

Or four........  :thumbup:

David D.


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