Hi there, all,
I guess many of you will be familiar with the Shetack DTC (2nd edition, 1938).
I find mine so useful that it lives in the pocket of my white workshop coat.
I recently wiped something down with IPA (that's Isopropyl Alcohol, not India Pale Ale!

) on some blue paper towel.
Thing is, I then parked the paper towel in my workshop coat pocket.
Sometime later, I needed to consult the DTC but discovered, horror of horrors, the IPA had attacked the printing ink. Here's a picture:

The one on the left is the casualty, the one on the right is 'first reserve'.
[Years ago, a rather cruel neighbour remarked that when I fall off my twig I'll have two tombstones, one with the usual biographical data,
the other bearing the inscription 'It's Always Handy To Have A Spare!'!!!

Actually, I have more than one spare DTC.

They really are that useful.
So, dear reader, take note - keep your DTC safe from the ravages of alcohol, be it IPA, Ethyl, Methylated Spirit or whatever!