Author Topic: Arduino- Android phone-tablet programming, no android programming required  (Read 8282 times)

Offline Dawai

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Called the "handbag" lovely application where the buttons and other screen controls are created in a "widget" form in the arduino code. then uploads buttons, labels, display to the phone or tablet. one android (programming) Tablet app fits' all programs.  DISPLAY Device and user data entry device..

Except.. it is making me crazy trying to make it work with arduino IDE 1.0.5  From errors where "byte" is no longer a key-code word to "TYPE not declared" for the arduino "ACC" app H file..

Looks to be a problem-solver- fixer if I can get the arduino end figured out..

Anybody solved this and got it working on the newer arduino 1.0.5 ???
I Hung a 24 foot Ibeam this morning in the ceiling by myself, programmed a Arduino this afternoon for a solar project, Helped a buddy out with a electrical motor connection issue on the phone, then cut up a chicken for Hotwings. I'd say it has been a "blessed day" for myself and all those around me.

Offline tom osselton

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The arduino's look very interesting but I have never played with any code. What is the best way to get the feet wet. I have seen the starter kits on the makezine website are they the way to go?

Offline Fergus OMore

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          In the past few days, I bought an Arduino Boffin kit to try to run Nema 23 stepper motors. I'm old, at 83+ and have hand probs( arthritis, trigger finger or something)
OK, I bought the Mega2560 R3 version only to find that there was little or no information in the kit or the net. The kit described the UNO so I bought one. However, neither would load on either my PC with Windows 7 or my laptop with Vista using the words and music on both the Arduino web or from the seller's blurb.

Finally( after a day) I found a alternative write up. Apparently it has loaded but moving onto the UNO, I have a fault called avrdude.exe: stk 500_ get a sync etc etc.
After another struggle, it is a Port fault.

I have yet to get a 8 wire stepper motor to turn.

I wish you better luck

Meanwhile- back at the ranch*******************************



Offline Dawai

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Easy.. buy a $12 Uno...  take a day setting up the arduino "IDE" software, once you get it up and running, select the right board, select the "right port" from your device manager on your OS, Linux turns right on, seeing the right board, right com port..

THEN upload a "example" from the software file list.  it "blinks" the com lights as it dumps into the UNO..  then runs... there is a "first timer" program called "blink".. once you get this far, you dump it into the arduino and all it does is "blink" the onboard LED made into the board.

IF you buy the same equipment, same distro, you can bum the code off them, dump it in, and run it.. no programming skill  necessary.. 

MY OLD buddy, brother from a different mother?.. well.. lemme get a better idea what you are doing?? there is a "STEPPER" driver that loads into the arduino code, pre-written.  (THIS is in the format of a NAME.h file). I used it in the divider code I posted.. all you do then is post it "forward" or backward a number of steps and it "goes there"..

There are still things I surely don't understand, like why some files have to be in certain locations to work.. and it is hard to decipher why they "don't work" from the errors generated when you compile and upload..  You can add a "file" there and select that .h file, it will add it to the tab there on the top, so you can cross check for errors.. different versions, different versions of the .h file.. I am still learning all this.. 

THIS is something everyone here can get into for a few bucks.. learning more.. You can read temperatures easily with one of these, operate all kinds of "things" to automate or control them.. cheaply.. and I am very cheap..    It is just "new" and once you get your cherry popped you can go on to "make things work".  it ain't rocket science.. although they are used on rockets..

AND.. Fergus.. I have been for three weeks now trying to get the host USB on the Mega 2560 ADK to talk to my Android OS Nexus 7... still kicking my butt.. but I am stubborn..  I even bought cables, some don't have the data line connected, just a power cable.. configured the nexus four hundred different ways, A puzzle for a hillbilly.. 
I Hung a 24 foot Ibeam this morning in the ceiling by myself, programmed a Arduino this afternoon for a solar project, Helped a buddy out with a electrical motor connection issue on the phone, then cut up a chicken for Hotwings. I'd say it has been a "blessed day" for myself and all those around me.