The Shop > Finishing

First go at power coating

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--- Quote from: Dawai on January 25, 2014, 06:26:26 AM ---
  If you find a easy way to "remove" the baked on cured coating, share it..

--- End quote ---

Eastwood makes a stripper.

tom osselton:
Here is a good article on a oven build.

Here is the gun I purchased and I too said the same thing way did I wait so long to give it a try. I am very happy with the way it works I use a toaster oven for my parts I found a pretty good sized one at WalMart and it was cheap I know I have less than a hundred bucks invested in the set up but I really like it.

Powder Coat gun.

Hey Gary, that gun actually looks like a better setup than the one I bought on ebay. I don't have access to Harbour Freight but the power source definately looks more robust than the one I paid twice as much for.


Thanks for the pointers...

Im going to give this powder gig ago.



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