OK I decided I wanted to bend up a replacement swarf guard for the big Traub lathe - present one has gouges in where someone has had an accident. Only cosmetic but ...... well you know me by now

SO - I decide my current bender is slightly too small - good excuse to up grade

SO - The FJ Edwards bender comes on the scene - rebuild progressing well (paint arrived today but it's raining

SO - the bender needs a 2" long 5/8" BSF grub screw - can't source one - lets make one
SO - obvious way of cutting the hex recess is my Die Sinker EDM machine - not used for s few months
SO - steam up the EDM - electrolyte pouring out all over the place - turns out the bellows that seal the rise and fall tank have perished - looking up the records I last changed them in October 2005
SO - Need new bellows - no use having machine in less than good condition. Only one source for bellows so the price hurts BIG TIME. However new bellows on order (lucky I sold that other CNC lathe!)
Now what about topping up the lurid green fluorescent EDM electrolyte - better order some more. Ah, well perhaps not ..... smallest drum is 60 litres for £245 plus the government extortion of VAT.

As I said to the bloke at the suppliers, I'll put some stones in the reservoir to bring the level up

(I'll start a photo-thread about stripping the EDM and installing the bellows when they arrive)