Home Base > Introductions

Hello Fellas!

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Don't worry about it Al, I came out at the back end of a deep recession, and I was turning jobs down.

People with experience and a good military background are always in demand, no matter what is happening to the general workforce of semi skilled, salesmen and Kentucky Fried fodder.

You'll have to show us what you have been up to, otherwise the buggers on here will have you walking the plank.

Aye Aye Cap'n


--- Quote from: DickDastardly40 on March 10, 2009, 06:26:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: bogstandard on March 10, 2009, 05:56:03 AM ---I thought you were giving up the Rum, Bum and Baccy lifestyle of the RN

--- End quote ---

Hiya Bogs

The rum dried up, the baccy is no longer duty free and bum whilst not compusory is more available than I would prefer! I have my notice submitted and leave at the end of November this year.


--- End quote ---

Yep I was right about the banter.  :D

I've few contacts with engineering firms in the Pool area, when your ready, and if your interested, I'll drop you a mail with the contact details.


 Hiya Al!

Welcome to the collective. :borg: . You know many of us I am sure. The others you don't know are all great people. Lots of experience, ideas, support and general trouble here,

Have a seat and a pint :beer:


Bourne Bill:
welcome Al, I'm from the other side of the pond, and they even accepted me into the fold!!

Welcome to the collective Al.  :borg:

I'm sure you'll fit right in with the rest of the gang. Enjoy and lets see some of those non-steam engine projects.  :poke:



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