The Shop > Software Tools
Dam computers
Hi Lads
My lap top has kicked the bucket , lights are on but no one is home ,,,,,,,,is there some way/thing I can use to get the info off the hard drive ? take it out and weld it to something :zap: :lol:
HDD to USB adapter ????
I think that is what it is, long time since I used one. Or similar ...
There is a different one for older type drives , I think that one is for SATA drives only ...
Poke your HDD in it and suck off the goodies via USB ... last did it about 8 yrs ago, so not certain now ...
Ever heard of the word .....
B A C K U P ?????
Nope ???
Dave BC
That one does appear to be for IDE derives, the xxx 802 is for SATA look at the .PDF ...
--- Quote from: RobWilson on June 26, 2013, 02:36:01 PM ---Hi Lads
My lap top has kicked the bucket , lights are on but no one is home ,,,,,,,,is there some way/thing I can use to get the info off the hard drive ? take it out and weld it to something :zap: :lol:
--- End quote ---
Hi Rob,
For not very much you can buy an enclosure to put your hard drive in and then connect it to a desktop (or other laptop) via USB. You can get PATA and SATA versions so you need to take out the hard drive and Google the part number to find out which type it is.
There are hundreds on eBay:
I have three with varying sizes of hard drive which I use for external backup devices.
Photos of the lathe would be nice - thanks. My first lathe was a Hobbymat (as was my second because the first was rubbish - the dovetail on the saddle had a 0.5mm step half way along! CZ came to my house to bring me a new one and take the offending one away.) The worst thing about it was the 1mm pitch leadscrew which got a bit tedious if you had any distance to travel.
I'll have to think of something I could swap or part-ex!
--- Quote from: Bluechip on June 26, 2013, 02:45:37 PM ---
B A C K U P ?????
Nope ???
Dave BC
--- End quote ---
:lol: :lol: :lol: what was that Dave,,,,,,,I am deef in both eyes :)
:thumbup: Cheers mate looks just the ticket :ddb:
Thanks Phil :thumbup:
I will rip the hard drive out and have a butchers , now were is my hammer .
Snap , my first lathe was a Hobbymatt , lol yes the 1mm pitch lead screw was a real pain :bang:
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