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Dam computers

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--- Quote from: RobWilson on June 26, 2013, 02:53:07 PM ---
--- Quote from: Bluechip on June 26, 2013, 02:45:37 PM ---
B A C K U P ?????
 Nope ???
Dave BC

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 :lol: :lol: :lol: what was that Dave,,,,,,,I am deef in both eyes   :)

 :thumbup: Cheers mate looks just the ticket  :ddb:


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I'm a right bugger to talk, just backing up this brute ... last one April 14 .... although it was this year ...  :doh:
Make sure you get the right one as Phil says ... BTW CPC are free shipping at the moment IIRC

Well that was easy ,,,,,,,,, no hammering needed

any clues  :scratch:


Here yer go..,2109-2.html


--- Quote from: RobWilson on June 26, 2013, 03:16:48 PM ---....any clues  :scratch:
--- End quote ---

On your photo, just above/left of the CE is a "Serial ATA" logo - so its a SATA drive and you want to look for a SATA enclosure or adapter.

If the drive itself is dead, I don't know if its worth much effort to get the platter out of these modern drives - unlike some of the older machines where you could get a great disc of aluminium (either get rid of the magnetic coating to use the metal disc, or just varnish it).  Back in the late 70s or early 80s our operators' rest area in the Computer Lab had a coffee table, maybe 25" or 28" in diameter made from an old disc platter. In those days, indication of a disc crash was red dust on the exhaust filter!


Good point Dave

The drive could be dead  :palm: , i will order a SATA enclosure .

Thanks for the help lads  :beer:



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