Home Base > Introductions

Hi guys

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Thanks again for making me feel welcome  :beer:
Brass_Machine I have a cbr 600rr
Divided he ad I am going half's with my father on a wooden workshop my end will be panelled off and will be a compact 7'4" x 8,4"

Hey Ja2on, welcome aboard!!

--- Quote ---Divided he ad I am going half's with my father on a wooden workshop my end will be panelled off and will be a compact 7'4" x 8,4"
--- End quote ---

I like that idea, always someone close by for a second opinion and if you dont like that opinion you can close the door on them and send them back to thier own side of the shop :med:


Divided he ad:

--- Quote ---my end will be panelled off and will be a compact 7'4" x 8,4"
--- End quote ---

Loads of room in there.... Well there will be at first, then you start hoarding   :)

There are a few storage ideas in the shop section of the board.... Would be worth viewing for some possible help with a confined area like mine   ::)

You'll have fun setting it all up  :thumbup:


I've got a compact shop 9ft by 9ft but with a little planning its amazing what you can get in it.  :thumbup:

And what work you can get out of it:-  as they say it's not the size that maters its what you do with it  :clap:

Have fun


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