Author Topic: Tracking Bots and Cookies  (Read 3544 times)

Offline George_Race

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Tracking Bots and Cookies
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:01:01 PM »
I have been a computer nerd since the early days of the S-100 Buss computer.  Since the advent of the internet, a lot has been done by many to make big money by looking at your viewing habits.  When you look at software providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, and the list goes on, most are multimillion dollar companies.   How do they make so much money?  One of their main income streams is the banner ads that you see when you sign on to their sites.  Those are all paid commercials.  Just think of the number of times when one has appealed to you and you have clicked on the add to get more information.  That is what I call a "gotcha" moment.  Little did you know that you have started a process called "Tracking."   But, now it even goes deeper!  You no longer need to click on anything, just visiting a site starts a whole tracking process.  Someone is watching and reporting on what you are doing to someone somewhere!

So how is all of this happening?  I an not going into a lot of technical detail, you can do your own research if you are interested.  Tracking Cookies are what is making it all happen.   When you connect to a web site, often they place a "Cookie" on your computer, in a file that is linked to your web browsing program.  There are good Cookies too.  When you connect to this site, and you don't need to sign in, it is because you have registered and it know who you are from the information contained in the Cookie that was placed on your computer and you told your browser to remember you user name and password.

Here is an example of what a tracking cookie can do.  Lets say you are at web sites for new cars.  You visit a bunch and even leave your email address and other information on several sites, wanting to hear back from the dealership.  Almost immediately, you start getting email from all kinds of automotive related sites.  You check into some sites and the "Side Bar" contains car ads from the brands you have been inquiring about.  You got it, tracking cookies at work!  The worst offenders out there seem to be google and yahoo.  They are collecting more information than all the other programs put together.  It is incredible the information that they have on each and every one of us, who use the internet.

There are many types of programs that are designed to help you stop tracking, we all have seem them come and go over the years.  I have recently found a program that I think everyone should be running in the background on their browser, and it works with all browsers!  It is a very small completely free program, with no strings attached.  The program is "Do Not Track Plus" and can be downloaded from:

It places a very small graphic in the upper right corner of the top line on your browser.  In that graphic is a small number that indicates the number of "trackers" that are tracking you on any web site you visit.  I have seen as many as 22 trackers trying to get access to me on some sites.

You can click on the graphic and see who is trying to track you, as well as the number of blocked trackers you have to date.  I have been using the program for just over a month.  Below is a quick screen shot of my current stats.

No matter what browser you are using, there is a way to delete all the hundreds of cookies that are probably already on you computer.  Look at your browser help file to find out how.  ONE NOTE OF CAUTION:  If you delete ALL your cookies, you will no longer be able to sign in without having to put in your password and username one more time.  Just delete all of those that you don't recognize and you will really be a step up on the trackers.

Everyone needs to have this program on their computer.
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Offline Troutsqueezer

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Re: Tracking Bots and Cookies
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2012, 12:26:53 AM »
I suppose I'm one of those people who are all for companies making money. After all, it does make the world go around. If someone wants to track my boring habits and can make money from it, go for it. 

Don't people join Twitter just so they can tweet their every move? Seems like it...
Once you see the bandwagon, it's too late.

Offline grg12

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Re: Tracking Bots and Cookies
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2012, 02:07:52 AM »
Someone wants to show me commercials of stuff that I'm looking for instead of generic crap? Yeeeeehow! Sure - it could be dangerous if you look for fertiliser and petrol, or info about disease that may be pricey for your insurance but that's all...