ksor - could this be used to bend small metal strips into circles of various diameters? Or any thoughts how it could be adapted to do that??
I beleave so - but it wasn't my first priority - I think it can go down to radius that 10-15mm.
If you have to make SOME of the same radius, and then SOME of another radius ... then DON'T make them strips but make then long wire to circles as a spring and saw the turns apart with a thin saw blade - my wife and daughter do that when making silver rings for all their bracelet and stuff like that - they turn the spring with an old hand driven drill and this way they make 1000's of rings.
If it's not silver but some harder material then you can turn the spring in the lathe at low speed and if it's thick material you can make the spring by heating up and bending the rod around a water pipe or so.
I don't think you need "my" kind of bending jig to make rings - only if you allready HAVE cut the material into peaces
Even if I only needed 2-3 or 5 rings I would make them as a spring and then cut it into circular peaces.