Author Topic: Japanese Patinas (for metals)  (Read 7082 times)

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Japanese Patinas (for metals)
« on: February 05, 2009, 12:31:59 PM »
First a brief disclaimer for those new to the site and the book list. From the emails I have gotten here and on other forums!

I purchase all the books I review, I do not accept readers, or freebie's from dealers,stores, publishers or authors. The books are in my library and used. This way I can say what I want good or bad about the book and there are no problems. Other than the occasional nasty e mail from some distraught author, or the person that owns the publishing rights.

All of the sources for buying or locating books, I included in the reviews, are ones that I use on a regular basis. I have no connection with them other than a satisfied customer.


Japanese Patinas
Eitoku Sugimori
Brynmorgen Press

copyright ©2004
ISBN 1-929565-11-9
hardcover over a spiral bound lay flat studio book
edited by T McCreight & A Johnston

The contents of the work:
After the introductions, and observations on Japanese aesthetics

Chapter 1
The patina studio, goes into setting up a work space and the items that you will need to do the Japanese patina's in the traditional Japanese style. From the types of containers and small items you need. To items from the house hold that are used pointing out that separate ones should be purchased and used only in the studio. From the Daikon radish,salt baking soda,vinegar,sake, and beer. For patina not consumption!

To the special chemicals that you will need, a nice touch and probably McCreight's is the translation to common items that the chemicals are used in the home and shop or called by other names that are more common.

He also goes over some items that can be studio made that are further used in the patina formulas or applications. To finishing supplies/cleaning
from traditional items common to European and Western metalsmiths. To the use of charcoal and whetstones as a means of prepping and refining the surface.

From the straw bundle brushes to apply the patina. to the use of hair dryers, torches,spray bottle charcoal and red ochre in the application.

Also covers safety and equipment

Chapter 2
It than moves on to the preparation of the objects, for patination and patina bases after cleaning. It gives cleaning and prepping of the piece to apply the assorted patina's.

The book does use and gives all the Japanese names and the closet translation if there is one.

Chapter 3
Is about the foundation patinas there formula's and variations of them same to adjust colors. And for use on brass,bronze and copper.

From the simple,copper sulfate,salt and vinegar mix Su-tanpan is the name. He then goes through the complete application process with what happens with variations in the time,temp and application of the solution.

Chapter 4
Is one that deals with layered patina's applied to the foundation patina's.
including vapor/fume patinas.

Chapter 5
Deals with the special considerations and processes that are needed for more detailed fancy patina's and mixed metals, as well as the use of soot and smoke in the patina process.

Chapter 6
Patinas on iron and steel, he gives two formula's and then goes into sealing of the patinas. With stopping or neutralizing the action of the chemicals. Then moves on to the sealing with wax, oil or lacquer. Gives the pro and cons of each type. And the lacquer includes the acrylic lacquer.

Is dealing with a short section on the Japanese alloys from copper, through brasses,bronzes to the exotics and good ole German Silver or Yo-haku with the nickel and zinc in the alloy not much in the area of patination but can be used for great contrast, when combined with other metals.

Finally the appendix
which is great in the tradition of all the McCreight books
Patina recipe summary all of them in covered in the book in one easy to locate group
Alloy Formulas
Patina Samples
Glossary, with the English translation, phonetic and the kanji
Experiment with a natural draft kiln, from how did they do it in the old days with out the torches etc.
Suppliers US only
Book List the 2 books listed in English both have been covered in this list.

To sum it up, there are great color photos in the book. Located next to the assorted patinas and such the only real complaint is some of the photographs are a little lite in the descriptive information.

Up until I read this book, I was of the opinion that the Japanese patinas and the way they are applied were way to ceremonial orientated, to the old traditions and ways of doing things.

I can say that this book changed my mind, in addition to being an enjoyable read. large list of books this item# is BK170

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