Hi guys,
Got it up and running tonight, not mounted on the intended machine, but spinning.
ESC 3phase driver is Sky...something. 100A
Speed controller is a servo tester - not explored yet but I presume the control is linear!? I intend to get rid of this and use PIC in conjunction with EMC to control the spindle once up and working.
Power supply is a cheapo variable supply upto 13v, 8.5A power supply.
It spins damn fast and with seemingly enough torque... the proof will be in the pudding!
Runout looks good

but more on that when it is fully mounted and not vibrating in the vice resting on the bench!
Warning... sound is stupidly high which is nuts because it is less than half noise of a dremel on full, the camera just captures it for some reason.
I still need to strip it, clean and take pictures. Has anyone any suggestions as to a secure way to grip the shaft in bell at the end. It is currently held in by a grub screw but since this is going to be taking some of the cutting force, it needs more...any thoughts?