The Shop > Electronics & IC Programing

Amatuer Radio Operator Members

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My stuffs in the attic. I used to do mainly 2m & 70cm SSB.


I still have my G1 callsign, but haven't been on air for years. I tended to get more fun out of  :zap: building stuff (to other folks' designs; I wasn't that knowledgeable) than actually using it. Maybe I'll run a long wire down the garden one one of these days and see if any of it still works.


2E0POZ and always interested in Ham projects


I was a radio operator in the army. Always wanted to get my licence.
So I went to night school and eventually became M1BZD, (allowed on 2 Metre,  phone only)

Then I never used it.

Guess I must have been more interested in the technology than actually conversing.

Strange world,  isn't it ?



--- Quote from: DavidA on April 28, 2011, 04:03:56 PM ---I was a radio operator in the army. Always wanted to get my licence.
So I went to night school and eventually became M1BZD, (allowed on 2 Metre,  phone only)

Then I never used it.

Guess I must have been more interested in the technology than actually conversing.

Strange world,  isn't it ?


--- End quote ---

You may still be licensed, Dave. Licences are granted for life now, but you have to validate them every 5 years; this lets Ofcom know you're still alive, I suppose. It can be done at   but I don't know what you do if you have already gone over the 5 years without validating. Might be worth a try because validation costs nothing, and you don't often get owt for nowt from a government agency.



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