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Amatuer Radio Operator Members

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--- Quote from: DavidA on April 28, 2011, 04:03:56 PM ---I was a radio operator in the army.


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26L20F5  70-72  good for popin corn in the wave guide


Resurrecting an old thread, but just wanted to add that I just got my Foundation license last week. I haven't got a rig yet, hope to get one in the next week or two, most likely a 2meter/70cm set, then save up for a HF rig.

Tim ( MI6TME )

Nice one Tim. Are you planning to do the intermediate licence next?

I enjoyed listening out for the infrequent longer distance SSB call on 2m, I just use to have it on in my workshop monitoring, but other than that, 2m was a "posh" CB !!



--- Quote from: craynerd on October 09, 2011, 12:33:40 PM ---Nice one Tim. Are you planning to do the intermediate licence next?

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I am indeed, my local amateur radio club (MUARC) is running a course and exam starting in Jan 2012, then if I want to go for the full license (which I probably will) they will do the advanced exam on request (but the exam can only be held on pre-arranged dates set by the RSGB)

I doubt if I will be able to reach across the irish sea on 2m to reach you (without some sporadic E help), but if/when I get a mobile rig in the car I could give you a shout when I come over to visit the in-laws (Burnley) :thumbup:

I do seem to remember reading a project log you did on a 40meter set, do you listen/shout out on 40m as well?


Hi Tim

Yes, I made a 40m reciever Knole DC RX:

I did it out of pure interest/enthusiasm when I`d just done the foundation exam but I actually went on to use it as my project for the intermediate exam. In honesty, I think I should have done a project during my intermediate course but with my website, pictures etc, my tutor trusted I had made it and so I actually used it to pass my intermediate exam. I`d recommend it, a smart little project.

Yes, I would shout and listen on 40m and 20m, got some decent results on both using a G5RV.

My radios were:
2m – FT-480R for 2m FM and SSB work with a X200 colinear antenna.
HF – FT-747GX, daiwa cnw-518 ATU and half size G5RV.

Went mobile as well with my home made antenna which was good fun as well:

I got rid of both my radios and I`ll be honest, the main reason was that I needed the money for some machinary! but secondly,  with my HF rig, I got fed up of hitting the same people and the same places. I also got too bogged down in digital signals and linking my radio to my computer which gave me so much hastle that the enjoyment went out of it. When I buy another radio, it`ll definately be a 2m portable rig for a bit of fun calling CQ on my travels.


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