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DRO questions

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Sorry guys I have lots of daft questions

I would really like to add a digital readout to my mini mill (Axminster sieg x2)  :proj:
I have been looking at this
But I am unsure if they have scales small enough for my mill and it might cost as much as my mill  :(

My other option is the chinese scale option with remote readouts from Arc euro (very bottom of page)
Does anybody use the Arc digital readouts ? do they enable fast readout from the scales ?
This might be my favourite as I can add scales as I can afford them

I also found these on ebay but can not find them in Europe

I have the fignoogle plans but I plan to add the scales to the rear of the x axis and on the left of the y axis to keep them away from the gib adjuster and locking levers

The readouts you've posted too are simply extensions of the display on Chinese type scales.

The nice thing about a 'proper' DRO is that it lets you do all sorts of nice things, PCD drilling etc.
The machine DRO system is good but only works with glass scales - so around £100 an axis, you can use magnetic scales also which are much smaller but probably nearer £160 an axis. OTOH, Chinese scales can be as little as a fiver for a modified caliper...

Another option you haven't mentioned is a Shumatech DRO. In the UK these are available from
The beauty of the Shumatech is that it can read both Chinese and glass scales or a mixture of the two. The basic model is the 350, but if you're getting one from scratch you may as well consider the 550 (either the 350 with a DPU550 upgrade or a DRO550).
It's also incredibly functional and if you can be bothered you can modify the open source software (I changed it to allow fractions to be entered directly).
On my mill I use the 550 to read 3 glass and one chinese scale.

Cheers Kwackers  :thumbup:
I forgot the Shumatech I had looked into it a bit a while ago and thought the DRO-550 was not made anymore  :scratch:

I had discounted the DRO-350 because it was the same price as a ready made unit from machine dro
which makes no sense now when I think about it as it can use cheaper scales and I enjoy building kits  :doh:

Before I go and order a DRO-350 can anyone shed any light on the availability of the DRO-550.
I am sure I read somewhere that the guy does not make them anymore ?

The 550 is currently "out of stock", this is due to Scott not being able to obtain the processors. However I believe these are becoming available and so there should be some movement on these shortly.
Best to look on the Shumatech site for details - or better join the Yahoo Shumatech group. Worth downloading the manual and having a look anyway.

Don't discount building a 350 plus a DPU550 upgrade, the only real difference is the DRO550 can also have the LCD module attached (if you really need one). Also don't discount just using the basic 350, not quite the same features as the 550 and doesn't support as many variations of Chinese scales than the 550 but may be all you need and if you need to at some time in the future you an just add a DPU550 upgrade (plugin board that drops in place of the processor).

The DRO550 when it becomes available will need to be ordered directly from the states as its sold at cost so no point in Lester importing them.
I have 3 DRO550's, 1 on my mill, 1 on my lathe and 1 for development (I play around with writing software for it - one of my intentions when I get a bit of time is to add a basic rotary controller to it). I think its a great bit of kit and has an excellent (and expanding) feature set.


I think this might be the info you are after

BTW, personally I would forget the scale types for low down on a mill, they are forever breaking down. I spent a fortune keeping mine going, and eventually spent so much I could have bought a top of the range glass scale type. They are OK for up on the quill.



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