Here is the mock up of how I did the liner for the engine in my avitar.
First machine the liner OD and rough out the bore a littel undersize, you can come at it from both ends if your normal bars are not long enough.
Next take a block of wood or laminate up some MDF and bolt this firmly to your cross slide, the top of the wood needs to be on centre height or a fraction below so you may need to pack & shim it up. This block was used on a smaller lathe but I had two bolts in each slot.

Next screw a second block to the first, mark it so it goes back on the same way and put a bit of card between the two blocks.

Now bore a hole through the two blocks of wood, first with progressively larger drill bits in held in the 3 jaw and then switch to your between cts boring bar until you have a snug fit on the OD of the liner.

Its now just a case of loosening the top screws, removing the card and place the liner in the hole, screw back down and the liner will be held concentric to the lathes axis for boring with the between cts bar. DO NOT disturnb the bottom block.