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Moved the #21 Buffalo Forge drill press into the basement

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Well if your planning on visiting a few countries then stop by New York. I'd love to have you stop for a while I'm sure the wife would like that too.
But as you say the politians are the ruination of it all. Same here. :'(

As you say on ward. I'm sure you been keeping track of my next project, the mill move. That's it for the drill press thread for now.


Rigging heavy equipment is like sausage.  The end result is very satisfying, except you really don't want to see the process. :clap:

The mill will move in pretty much the same manor.  Just remember that they are top heavy when handled from the base and tipping is a very real danger.  The professional riggers that moved the helicopter shop after the flood, picked up the mills from hoisting rings screwed into the top of the machines as per Bridgeport instructions.  The foreman was happy that we had the overhead clearance to allow for vertical "picks", stating that otherwise they would have removed the heads for safety before moving the machines on rollers.

Just a thought?  Have you considered making the floor decking above the stairwell a removable section?  It would allow you to lower stuff down without the "Egyptian Shuffle" down that ramp.

I think I would rather use a chain fall than the cable come-along for the hoisting.  They can be had for short money off of Craigslist. 

Divided he ad:
Bernd, Next time I hit the states I am planning on a few stop offs, NJ is on the cards as is NYC and then NC (I hope these acronyms are correct and non transferable?) I was also hoping to make a visit coinside with some festivals etc.... I likes me music! ;D  (real stuff that is, non of this hiphop and rap stuff!!!)

It will be a little while yet.... I have to fund my renovations first!.... Plane tickets are £400 - 600 return That's a hefty chunk of cash in my book!! (then I need the spendies too!!)

Still, on with the show.... Where's that mill thread???  :)


Nice beam..Whats the height of that cieling?.........Your only way into that shop is by going indoors and then down the stairs?..Might shoulda built an elevator on side of the house,, a scissor type lift sat down in a covered hole..or mast from a very large old foklift, something to make it easy to take heavy items down into the shop and back up again.....


--- Quote from: Rog02 on October 14, 2008, 01:04:01 PM ---Rigging heavy equipment is like sausage.  The end result is very satisfying, except you really don't want to see the process. :clap:

--- End quote ---

Were I worked they moved 10 to 30 ton machines by overhead crane. It was an assembly floor for gear cutting machines. So I've seen heavy rigging.

--- Quote ---The mill will move in pretty much the same manor. 

--- End quote ---

I've posted the mill move over on HMEM. I haven't had time to post it here, but will do so shortly. Stay tuned.

Just a thought?  Have you considered making the floor decking above the stairwell a removable section?  It would allow you to lower stuff down without the "Egyptian Shuffle" down that ramp.

At the time I built the house the plan was to build a workshop in back of the house. The basement was to be reserved for a very large HO scale model railroad. Unfortunatley the stean engine bug bit quite hard and I sort of lost interest in a large model railroad. So now I've decided to put the big machines in the basement. If I was going to be moving machines in and out of the basement constantly I would have considered a different method. I guess I'm stuck doing the "Egyptian Shuffle".  ;D

--- Quote ---I think I would rather use a chain fall than the cable come-along for the hoisting.  They can be had for short money off of Craigslist. 

--- End quote ---

My dad has one and I plan on using that, so no need to buy one.

I'll post the Bridgeport move here shortly.



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