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Model Rocket Fin Jig

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I'm building some Estes model rockets with my nephew and gluing the fins on in the right place is a pain in the butt, so I made this little jig up.  There are several different positions to mount the fin guides to so you can have a different numbers of fins.  I made up five different mandrels for different sized body tubes.  It makes gluing on the fins very easy and stress free!  We built two three stage rockets today with 18 fins in all, and had them glued on in less than 20 min.

Dale P.

Some more picts.

usn ret:
Nothing like the proper fixtures to make a troublesome task not so troublesome.  Thinking outside the box helps too. Your fixture are a great addition to your modlers toolbox. Nice work.. :D
Cliff :beer:


I played with rockets once. Matter of fact still have a 2 stage I haven't finished yet.

Those fins are a pain to get on right. Great project. Could you give us some figures on the jig you made. Might want to make one down the line sometime. A quick sketch would be fine.



Fabulous idea and well done. I will have to build something like that for my own use.

cheers, Graham in Ottawa Canada


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