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Model Rocket Fin Jig

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Krown Kustoms:
I think in the long run the lower altitude ones are more interesting especially to kids because you can see the whole process (launch, ejection, recovery), the higher power ones are loud and impressive but are out of site in seconds. I built my first high power rocket with a 4 inch mail tube from the post office and 4 Estes E-9 engines, a mechanical ejection trigger and a hand sewn chutte and  made it to 2500 feet. Cheap easy and effective. About 35 bucks all together.

As promised a few pictures of the rockets.  We built 10 in all, but are waiting for some tubing to complete the three stage Comanche 3 rockets.  Some of them are our own design and some are kits.  We built them to fly so they aren't as pretty as some peoples rockets.  I don't waist time filling in the spirals on the tubes or use sanding sealer on the fins.  There is a good chance they will be junk by the end of the summer so there is no need to go crazy on the details as long as we are having fun.  There are lots of two and three stage ones as well as a three stage cluster rocket so it should be pretty exciting to fly them.  I have a total of 65 engines so we are good to go as soon as the weather gets nicer.

They're pretty nice looking rockets as far as I'm concerned.

That 3 engine one looks pretty interesting. How high do think some of them things go? Ever loose any to the wind?


Those are mighty slick.
I live about 20mi E of Este's Plant here in CO.
Never stopped in, thought about it a lot but, never done it yet.

I'd suggest you contact their R&D, purchasing folks & see if they'd
be willing to buy your idea.  OR maybe have you produce a batch
for resale.  IF you guys have had trouble getting the fins on right.
Surely most everyone else has too.
That make's me believe there's a big market for a fin jig.

Good luck and have lots of fun,


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