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Another pen

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You guys are laying too much good stuff on us ... the tuit list is rapidly becoming a book ...  :lol:

Very good looking pen, tinkerer :clap:.

Are those acrylic parts made from stock, or is it possible to make your own mixture of colours?


--- Quote from: sorveltaja on December 30, 2009, 05:14:30 PM ---Very good looking pen, tinkerer :clap:.

Are those acrylic parts made from stock, or is it possible to make your own mixture of colours?

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Thank you. This pen is made from a blank from Woodcraft, but there are many pen makers that mix their own. You can find a lot of information at They use real snake skin, corn cobs and just about anything else you can think of.
Here are a couple of others I found pictures for.


--- Quote from: geroli on December 30, 2009, 05:07:06 AM ---MRS G says "love it!  Going to save lots of money n birthday presents new year, you can make everyone cool pens!"

Nice work Tink


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Tell the Mrs. thanks. Sorry I created work.  :lol:

Divided he ad:
Tink' ...... That opening pen is a blinder  :jaw:

Where the heck did you get that acrylic???  looks are awesome!

Did you polish it too?

Very liking some of these pen designs! (not too into the lower of those wooden ones!)



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