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5 string bass guitar

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--- Quote from: tinkerer on November 23, 2009, 08:00:45 PM ---Really nice job Tim. :thumbup: I am assuming you play. Got any youtube videos?

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I'm ashamed to say I havent even lifted it in ages  :(  I was in a little band that played mainly covers of mainstream type stuff, but the band went our seperate ways years ago.

I havent even got any recordings of the band, but plenty of good memories tho :thumbup:



I know nowt about guitars....... But, that is beautiful!  :bugeye:

Well done!  :thumbup:

David D

Tim, sorry I missed this yesterday. This build is fantastic, can you not find any more pictures of the build between the jump from gluing to complete guitar?

How long did it take you and did you run from plans? How do you embed the frets?

I`ve played guitar for 18 years and would absolutely love one day to build a 6 string guitar from scratch. 


John Rudd:

Great build..... :thumbup:

I guess the one good thing about building your own is that you know what goes into it........

I have a several guitars, amongst which are:

A Fender Squire Strat from over 20 years ago, when Fender allowed them to be made under licence(not like the crap that is mass produced now with some fancy name to make them sell) with Fender branded parts..

A Fender Squire Precision Bass as above

A genuine Fender Telecaster that I brought back with me one visit to Florida some years back(5?)

and to finish kids bought me a black Ibanez 6 string electric something or other (I cant remember the model number but its a recent model...)

All played through my trusty Peavey Bandit 112 or TNT115 Bass....( not at the same time of course...)


--- Quote from: craynerd on November 24, 2009, 03:50:43 PM ---can you not find any more pictures of the build between the jump from gluing to complete guitar?

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I'll have another look tomorrow, all my old pics are on a pc in the spare room and it is colder than my freezer in the evenings  :thumbup:

--- Quote ---How long did it take you and did you run from plans? How do you embed the frets?

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I think it took me about 4months from concept to completely finished, but I was only working on it a couple of evenings a week. I made the plans myself, I drew out the shape on the computer to start with, just to get the shape looking as I wanted, then drew it out full scale on the back of some ( unused ) wallpaper.

The designing of it was fairly simple, once you decide on what scale length you want, then what electronics you want to use, what bridge or whether you want to make your own bridge. Once you decide on all that, you can make it pretty much whatever shape you want, so long as it can hold all the "bits" that you want to put in it, and that it is playable.

The frets are easy, there is even a freeware program that will print out a 1:1 scale drawing of the fretboard that you then stick to the fretboard and cut the fret slots. These are cut with a precise thickness saw, and then the frets themselves are pressed into said slots. The frets have a tang that has tiny barbs in it that grip in the fretboard slots. If the slots are too narrow the frets will actually bend the fretboard and even the neck. If the slots are too wide then the frets will not stay seated, but some people do cut them oversized and then glue the frets in.

--- Quote ---I`ve played guitar for 18 years and would absolutely love one day to build a 6 string guitar from scratch.

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It is really a great, fun thing to do, and a great feeling of satisfaction too  :thumbup:

When I built this I also helped my best friend to build himself a 6-string electric using my dad's workshop. ( I was still living at home at this time )

A great source of info on guitar building is MIMF forum Linky

Go on, put it on the project list  :proj:

--- Quote from: John Rudd on November 24, 2009, 04:19:43 PM ---I have a several guitars, amongst which are:

A Fender Squire Strat from over 20 years ago, when Fender allowed them to be made under licence(not like the crap that is mass produced now with some fancy name to make them sell) with Fender branded parts..

A Fender Squire Precision Bass as above

A genuine Fender Telecaster that I brought back with me one visit to Florida some years back(5?)

and to finish kids bought me a black Ibanez 6 string electric something or other (I cant remember the model number but its a recent model...)

All played through my trusty Peavey Bandit 112 or TNT115 Bass....( not at the same time of course...)

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That sounds like a nice collection you've got there John, my beloved bought me a Tak' electro-acoustic a bit earlier this year, so I've been playing a bit with that.



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