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5 string bass guitar

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Very cool bass, instrument making is definitely art form.  Not only does it have to look good, but it has to sound good too, something I imagine isn't easy to do.  Your bass reminds me of another custom bass maker, Carl Thompson.
Discovered him, as one of my favorite bassists (Les Claypool) is one of his best customers.

Unfortunately I have almost no musical ability,

Thanks Bernd  :thumbup:

--- Quote from: Jere on November 27, 2009, 01:07:07 PM ---Very cool bass, instrument making is definitely art form.  Not only does it have to look good, but it has to sound good too, something I imagine isn't easy to do.  Your bass reminds me of another custom bass maker, Carl Thompson.
Discovered him, as one of my favorite bassists (Les Claypool) is one of his best customers.

Unfortunately I have almost no musical ability,

--- End quote ---

Well I feel very flattered, thank you very much for the compliment :bow: I looked at some of Carl Thompson's work and his craftmanship is outstanding. It looks like he does a lot of carving which is way beyond my abilities.

To shape the body outline on mine I made a template out of 1/4" mdf, honed and sanded it into the shape I wanted, then traced the outline onto the body, rough cut on the bandsaw, then I attached the template and used a table-mounted router with a copy bit installed that has a ballbearing that follows the template.

I'm not that good at hand shaping, so I used jigs and templates wherever I could.


Oh, I forgot to say when mentioning about Stewmac, they have pretty much every guitar making tool you could ever want. At first glance it might seem you need to spend a whole bundle on tooling to make a guitar, but look again. Many of those tools can be quite easily made, especially for those of us who have a lathe and mill. The only thing I would say that might be a bit hard to make would be the nut slotting files, these have to be a pretty precise fit for the strings.


Thats pretty damn cool!

I have always wanted to build a musical instrument. Cant play anything. (though I used to DJ at a night club).... I was thinking a violin would be nice to do. OFC... then the OCD  :proj: steps in... Make it carbon fiber. Make it electric...



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