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Cedge's Victorian Finally becomes a Hit and Miss Engine

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Brilliant job Steve  :thumbup:


chuck foster:
it sounds like its running ruff to me .............almost like it has a miss every now and then  :bugeye: :) :lol: :lol: :lol:

steve that is one very nice looking and running engine  :thumbup: :clap:

now that you have built it, are the plans good or was there some errors or things that should be done diffrent ??

chuck  :wave:

Thank you all for the kind words.

I stuck to the plans where critical measurements and dimensions were required and everything was spot on. The rest of the changes made still used his basic functionality, even if they look a bit different in the end. Duclos was somewhat frugal with information, giving you only as much as it takes to accomplish the task, but no more. That being said, the plans are quite accurate and pretty easy to follow.

This thread brings the Duclos/Cedge Victorian engine project to its official end. It's been a fascinating project with lots of interesting twists and turns. At times its been frustrating and the little engine has thrown me a few curves as I learned the ins and outs of an IC engine build. Yet, I'd do it again and I probably will tackle another one in the future. I'll be happy to entertain questions from those who decide to give this engine a try. I might not have all the answers, but then the little engine probably hasn't played its last trick.... of that I'm quite sure....LOL


finally found my way back here and Im glad to see it running
such a lovely engine :thumbup: :clap:

Thank you for the kind words and welcome back. I got the chance to show the machine at a couple of local venues last fall and it was quite well received. It was a project that taught me an awful lot of neat and useful things.



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