The Shop > Metal Stuff

Time to visit your local scrap yard

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I'm always dropping in on the locals scrap yards, so I'm usually up on the current trend for scrap prices, at least for aluminum and brass. I stopped buying back in August when my favorite haunt raised prices to above $1.50 per pound. My other source, who is always higher, raised theirs to nearly $2.50 per pound. At those levels even a nice short piece of round stock can eat your cash pretty fast.  :bang:

I dropped in on the higher priced outfit this week and spotted a nice long stalk of 2.25 inch yellow brass. When I asked them for a price per pound I was shocked to hear him say $1.25. That is what I was paying them...... 3 years ago. I haven't had the chance to stop in at the other yard, yet, but if the trend is what it appears to be, I just might have to load up when I get there.

It might pay to take a trip to your own scrap supplier and see if things have eased off in your area as well. I was lucky enough to buy a fair stock back when prices were low and didn't have to buy any when things got crazy. It just might be a good time for you to add to your own stock library.... then you'll feel like a genius when the price shoots up next time. It pays to have a look around.... eh?  :smart:

Lucky enough to find $.50 - $.85/pound scrap bar stock brass in the very recent past.  :jaw:

I haven't found any place around here that sells scrap brass.   :scratch:

I can put you in touch with a probable source over in Douglasville GA.


Prices have dropped here in the UK too, but not from the scrappy....... :doh:

We are used to things going up but never back down..

Apparently the Chinese are not buying so much ( cos we are not buying it back) so the market is a little flooded. My scrappy tells me it costs more in fuel to haul what scrap steel is worth at the moment. I feel sorry for him as he's struggling to stay open.

Picked this up at my local scrappy earlier in the week - it is the bar leaning up against the wall. Cost me £14 and it weighs 22kg, 1 1/2" square by 6 1/2 foot length!! This new scrappy I have found seems very strange - just looks at it and gives you a price, which so far, has been excellent!

Need to hack it up now into more managable bits!


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