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running single phase motor backwards

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i've took some pictures, looking at it i think i may have to press the motor windings out :scratch:

My pillar drill motor is wired like that, (but I was expecting to see more connections on yours) my guess is to swap the live/neutral wires around.

You don't need to strip it down, just change at the connector block. Just make sure you have a good earth.

John Hill:
Ummmmm, errrr, does it have a centrifugal switch in it?

i've been thinking about switching the wires on the starter, not sure if thats a good or bad idea :lol:

I have a sinking feeling this motor can't be reversed because we wanted to see four connections really.

If you try swapping the connections to the windings  at the motors connection block you will soon find out.
If you want I'll try it on my motor first and let you know.

Nothing will be damaged, it just may turn the same way that's all.


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