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Got the urge !

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Thanks for the link, they look very interesting but I feel it'll be a while before I attempt anything that advanced.

So I've rummaged in my cupboard and have found a fair selection of stock bar and a fair sized slab of dural plate that'll do for bases etc.

So tomorrow may be the day  ::)


For real easy engines, a lot of the time made from bits of junk, you can't beat the ones on here.

The McCabe Runner or EZ really show what can be made very simply.

There is nothing stopping you making them to a better quality.


My first engine was Dave Goodfellows - Brassy Babe. It is a little wobbler/oscillator and it was a fantastic first build primarily because the instructions and write up are so good!

My build thread is here:

The engine plans are here:

I`m quite new to this as well so just my recommendation. I then followed this with Elmer #25 which both I and Tim (spudevans) did a build log for:  & mine:

Another excellent engine and was simple and "quick" to build. I wouldn`t have changed the order I built them in. I have also built a running rocker a short time ago but haven`t finished it yet but also a great engine that everyone has been building so plenty of posts to follow.

Good luck whatever you choose!


Spen, I have not built many engines yet - just a rocker and Elmer's Fancy, with another home-brew design in progress.
The rocker was my first, but I'm sorry I didn't do a basic version of the Fancy as the first engine; the rocker was slightly fiddly.

I can really recommend the Fancy for a first build; you don't have to "bling" it like I did and it uses fairly common tools and is not fiddly.  Elmer's build instructions are nice and clear as well.

 :beer: Arnold


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