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Got the urge !

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Hi Spen

The little rocker engine is a smashing little engine to build, not to complicated but not to simple if you get my meaning, what I liked about it that at first inspection you say "how does that work  :scratch: where are the valves it can't work without valves", only when you build one does the penny drop and the shear genius of the design comes through.  :smart:

If you follow some of the threads on here you will also see that you don't have to blindly follow the drawing exactly, you just have to get the key features correct, which in itself is a great learning experience, and you'll end up with a little engine that will wow your friends.

Have fun


Thanks guys

That's just the positive info I needed  :clap:
I've now got some plans, just need to decide which one and get some brass.


No need to go with expensive materials when you are just starting out, use almost anything you like, as long as it isn't ali runing in ali (it tends to gall or weld together if it runs dry), everything should be just fine.

Just nail or glue the bits together and get it running, it doesn't even matter what it looks like, the first engine is the most important one that you will ever make. Get it running, and you will be hooked for life.

Good luck on your journey.


It just so happens that I have some steel and ali bar in various sizes in the cupboard, so it looks like I'll be Ok.
I also have a shed load of M3 & M4 screws kicking around.

So it could so be all systems go - soon.

chuck foster:
spen, the galloway castings come in 4 different scales and they start around $300 to $350 and up.
i would do as others have suggested and start on a bar stock engine. if you make a mistake you just grab another piece of bar stock and start again.

if you really want to build a gas engine might i suggest the webster, the plans are free and it will test your skills without killing you bank account.

if you follow this link it will take you to a website that has the plans and a build log

i have not built this engine myself but lots of other guys have and it runs very nice.

chuck :wave:


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