The Shop > Our Shop

My cellar

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I agree looks like a nice comfortable place to be.  Gotta love those unfinished projects, glad to see someone else has the same problem.  Congrats on the new mill, that will add another dimension to your building.

Ahhhhh ............... another Festool fan I see  :thumbup:


It's still empty...... :)

There's time yet.... :lol:

Looks nice and comfortable, mine used to be in the cellar, but we needed the space so I have to go outside now to the garage.....good and bad.... :wave:


--- Quote from: Bernd on August 18, 2009, 09:21:52 PM ---That's to nice of a looking workshop to get dirty or have swarf all over the place, and with what looks like a fireplace.

I see you're into model railroading. That's my first hobby. Also see you do a lot of scratch building in brass. Nice looking models. How about some pics of them? (please   :)  )


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I'll see what I have got and post them in the gallery, it's a 50/50 mix of scratchbuilding and kits. i sold a lot of stuff off recently as I wasn't really using it and to raise cash for new projects.


--- Quote from: CrewCab on August 19, 2009, 06:21:27 AM ---Ahhhhh ............... another Festool fan I see  :thumbup:


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Yes I do like my Festool  :D I have the circular saw rails and the mft table you see in the picture, it really does make swift work of those 'family jobs' I also bought the router and a Domino. The domino is a fantastic tool but on reflection I don't think I really needed it a good biscuit jointer would have done for my needs. I wouldn't mind a kapex though  :D and I really do need to build a router table..... :proj:


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