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Moving to a dedicated server!!

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Thanks for the offer Stefan...

This is basically a rented server at my ISP. I will admin it, they will do the operations side.

I am a VMware engineer for a well known ivy league college (in the top 8 of the US). Came there after doing the same gig for a major pharmicutical (think 200+ hosts) and a major financial firm (think 400+ hosts, 2k+ windows & 600+ RH guests). Been in the IT game for a long time. Been working with VMware for 6+ years... yup, I am a VMware gangsta.

It will be running IIS. I admit, it is not my strongest point. I tend to work with both Windows and Linux (we are a college)... Hell, my laptop is a Mac. I haven't been application or server support in a long time. My forte is VMware. If I have issues, I will ask you. You have experience in migrating a mySQL database or with IIS?


Divided he ad:
Erm..... Woohoo, I think?

What? Erm.... So?.... Erm....

As you were!?

Well out of my league  :smart:   :lol:

Sounds like it's a good thing anyway :thumbup:
Hope it all goes smoothly.... Should I start backing up my posts?  ::)


Stefan Pynappels:
I'm a network and support engineer for a medical software company in Ireland. We run a web app on LAMP servers which include very large MySQL databases.

When we have had to use MS OSes, we have still steered away from IIS, prefering to use Apache2 instead.

While my experience is mostly in the networking end of things, if you have MySQL migration queries, I'll talk to one of my technicians and see if I can get answers for you.


We've even got a nerd pi**ing contest now, this site gets better and better.

Glad we are in very good hands, with people who know what they are doing.


Pissing contests are good....

Gives you something to aim for....... :lol:


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