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Moving to a dedicated server!!

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Ya, what Darren said. Don't make it perfect for a long time, like to retirement time.  :lol:

Did that even make sense.  :scratch:  :scratch:


SPiN Racing:
HA HA HA HA Yeah thats the thing...

I am still going to do my best. I cant live with myself to do a half A$$ job of things. I figure I would rather KNOW I did a good job, and now need another, than do a bad job, and get replaced.

Either way.. I get to play with some fun toys, and build things as I see they need to be done. And at the very least, I can improve the network and servers for a company with a lot of really good people. :)

Stefan Pynappels:
Isn't it great getting paid to mess with stuff you're interested in anyway? :headbang:

Sorting out networks and finding out why client X cannot access the web content on server Y but client Z can is a lot of my work, and on the small scale networks I work on, misconfiguration is the norm rather than the exception. They all think they can just plug stuff in and it works, that might work just to get internet on your computer but is not so good when you are trying to set up VPNs and SSL encryption etc.

And I could write a (smallish) book about the stupid questions I've been asked.......

Problems with access seem to have been sorted out here anyway, Go Eric!


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