The Shop > Tools

Punching out small gasket holes

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When making paper or plastic gaskets for small engines, you have to punch or cut out a lot of small holes that need to match up with the part.

I came up with an little idea that will speed this process along.

What you need is one of those spring loaded outomatic centre punches.

You turn up a punch from silver steel with a nice deep centre drill in one end, you turn up a step the size of the hole you want to punch, harden it, and assemble it into the punch.

Use one of the parts as a guide in this case it a cylinder cover put the punch through one of the holes press it till it clicks keep the part positioned repeat for the next etc etc.

This is an example in a bit of paper with a spare puch and a brass bush that I used to grip it to turn the dia down along with a C o C to give you the idea.

Hope this little idea will be of use.



Nice idea you got there Stew.  :thumbup:


  :thumbup:  Good one - I'll store that idea away for future use.

Nice one Stew!  :thumbup:

David D

Thanks Chaps

Its good to share:-

I hope you all find it useful




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