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A Ringbom engine

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I don't think I've shown this one.
A couple of years ago I built a Ringbom engine.  It is a variation of the Stirling which uses the internal pressure variations to move the displacer piston.  The oversized piston rod provides enough piston area to lift a light weight displacer piston.

A quick video :ddb:

The hot end is thin walled stainless, machined from the solid, twice! :bang:

Hi Dave

Thats a Nice little engine  :thumbup:

Thanks for showing



Very nice indeed.

I personally think it will be a Stirling type of engine that will finally deliver the solution to fossil fuel powered engines. The Japanese already have a 'car' running on a Stirling, and they have already been proved in the third world that Stirlings running off sun power can be used very efficiently for pumping water and other such things, now if they could only get one to run off moon power.

I don't know if Dr Stirling ever envisioned that his theories and designs might just save the planet, but he does deserve a lot more recognition than he already has.

Stirlings have always fascinated me, but I have only ever built a low temperature one, and it did run, but that was disabled because my gorilla fingers fumbled and I dropped it. It now needs a rebuild.

I do have all the bits of materials in my storage area for a complete assault on all the Stirling types, just finding the time to do it is always the problem.

Maybe one day.........


Divided he ad:
I like that noisey little blighter Dave  :thumbup:

I've always like Stirling's never thought myself precise enough to make one though..... One day?  :dremel:

I've seen Johns Stirling.... It is in a bit of a sorry state  :(  .... John, Maybe after Xmas (knowing all your commitments to shows, halo's  n other stuff) you would consider putting the little fellas together? Those very attractive flywheels you made should be allowed to spin.... It's all they have to do in the world!   :)

Dave.... Are you currently building anything.... Have you any project logs started? (I'm going to have to pay more attention to the forum!) if not, then I think you would have a lot to show many of us  :thumbup:    :nrocks:


That's pretty neat. 

I've always liked the idea of Stirlings, simply because you can run them without having to have an air line snaking through the house.  Was this one as fussy to get to run as a low-temp ones?


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