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Elbow Engine - epic failure but still hope!

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Cedge, as I recall, you stepped quite a bit away from the beaten path on yours.   (Understatement of the year?)

I've been wanting to make one of these, but the threads detailing all the frustration at getting them to run has made me wait until I get a little more experience.

Chris, you have to get your elbow running, to encourage me to dive in!

rleete - afraid I can`t give you much encouragement as is still sat on the workbench awaiting review! That doesn`t mean I have given up, just had and have a few more projects that I would like to complete first. I have a skeleton for this engine and it is a case of tweeking things and I also need a flywheel which I should have within a fortnight. Once I have a flywheel then I`ll take another look at it. Another problem is that I don`t have a blow lamp and so I need to take it to my brother-in-laws, only around the corner but it has stopped me moving on it yet....

Cedge - yep, very "simple" parts, a bugger to get running together. I think the bend in the pistons could be half the battle!


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