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My Attempt

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Hi Folks

Thanks for the nice words, it's not actually as good as the pic.
The cylinder cover is too big, it overlaps the ally block, the screws holding it are too big and only near the right place.
It runs much better in one direction, so one of the ports is not right, and the one piece piston/conrod ( EN58 ) is far too heavy, it vibrates a lot.
Still, it cost nowt-ish, and kept me amused. I thought I'd better have a go at something not too complicated before I start my ST 9H. ( I think it's a 9H )
Got the casting set when I bought the Myford about 4 Yrs. ago. At ST's prices, a repacement casting would probably cuase me to sulk until the next Millenium. Or longer !!

Dave BC


Nice job that one. Wouldn't call it ugly by a long shot. How about a video of it running?



--- Quote from: Bluechip on July 19, 2009, 05:59:45 AM ---Hi Troops

My attempt at the worlds' ugliest oscillator.

--- End quote ---

May have you beat there, yours looks far better than mine


Nice job mate!  :headbang:

Perhaps this is slightly  :offtopic: but why are cylinder covers needed, what is the advantage of using them? - my two little wobblers I`ve built so far are all bores into the cylinder without going through and I was just wondering why some designs bore all the way through and then plug the end with a cover.


Nice one Dave  :bow: .................... looking good

--- Quote from: Bluechip on July 19, 2009, 06:26:02 AM ---With a 2HP compressor, and about 100 psi available ... it WILL go, it's got no option  :D :D

--- End quote ---

I like that quote, but to be fair my first (and only so far) attempt ran happily on just a few psi and I'm sure that one will, as for sling oil all over, ain't that it's job  :lol:



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