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Making a draw bar..

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Thanks for the nudge John!  :thumbup:

I make a regular batch of  3/8" dia widgets which are very thin walled....... I really need a collet chuck to hold `em!  :scratch:

But, realised I`ve got one, on my mill!!! ::)

Just add a 12mm drawbar!  :thumbup:

Taper clunked into location, in usual mt fashion.

Drawbar screwed hand tight.

Spanner to loosen afterwards, if necessary.....

Works a treat!

Saved me £33, for an ER32 collet chuck.....  :D

Thanks again!  :thumbup:

David D

David, I have an ER25 set I need to do the same with! Think it'd come in very handy for the little components, will stop the chuck jaws marking them too.
The only advantage of buying the collet chuck I can see is that you could get a length of stock right throuh, but I rarely do that and would need another back plate as don't want to keep taking the 3 jaw off with the bolts.



--- Quote from: NickG on July 17, 2009, 06:03:44 AM ---David, I have an ER25 set I need to do the same with! Think it'd come in very handy for the little components, will stop the chuck jaws marking them too.
The only advantage of buying the collet chuck I can see is that you could get a length of stock right throuh, but I rarely do that and would need another back plate as don't want to keep taking the 3 jaw off with the bolts.


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I think with the taper pushed home sensibly tight, we`d have no problem, with light machining.  :wave:

I checked the available depth....... 5" with drawbar in place.......

Plenty long enough for my short bar work!  :thumbup:

David D


That' be more than enough for me! Just recently fitted a new chuck and that's accurate enough for most other stuff, it's just really small stuff that's fiddley. I remember having big problems turning little bits of silver steel in my old chuck due to the run out and wear on jaws, with the collets it should be really good. Will be one of my first jobs when I get the garage cleared!




--- Quote from: NickG on July 20, 2009, 05:57:19 AM --- Will be one of my first jobs when I get the garage cleared!

--- End quote ---

The best of good luck to you Mate!  :thumbup:

I`ve been tidying for 5yrs now........ Only the bench top to clear...... Sometime!  ::)

David D


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