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Mr blindbird:
Hi all,greetings from belgium
Let me introduce myself;
My real name is Danny,living in belgium at age 37,single.
I found this site via some vids from Mr divided head on youtube where i was looking around for some visual info about lathes.
i've gone tru several difrent kinds of metalwork from school till now,there was always some microbe lurking under my skin wanting to do for hobby what i started right after school;metal working with lathe and millingmachines.
Every now and then the toughts of owning my own lathe and millingmachine popt up but by lack of decent powersuply and above all,time,italways got tukt away.
Till resently,wondering around on the internet again,hoping to find a nice 2ndhand lathe,i came across a bussines that sells 2nd hand AND new machines.
dint take me to long to go test some..and..
retuned home with a smile from ear to ear :)...i finaly got my baby :D.
Ill post some pics later on the forum,for now i would like to say,having watched your site here,i was very impressed how much craftmanship there still exists in the world.
At start i probably gonne have to ask more then i can help,needing to catch up again with the trade since it's been 14 years now that i last handled a lathe/millingmachine.
By the way,If i spell something wrong,dont hold back pointing me out thx :zap:

John Rudd:
Hi Danny,welcome to the forum...

I used a lathe/milling machine when I did my apprenticeship 34 years ago...

It was only from the last three/four years that I got back into it...Bought a lathe, then a mill...spend lots of money on tooling..Becomes expensive!

Still I have the means to keep me busy when I retire...(sooner rather than later I hope  :clap: )

Hope you enjoy it here.. :thumbup:

Spell something wrong.....!!!, doing better than me and I only speak the one language.... :lol:

Welcome to the forum, sounds like a place that would suit you to hang out.....

Questions are welcome...we like questions and too many are afraid to speak up..... :thumbup:

Have fun and lets see those pictures...... :)

Mr blindbird:
Wow,stunning...reply by lightspeed lol,thx for the quick and warm welcome.
well,i hope i get it right with posting the pics,i tend to get it wrong with pc stuff easely.
Thes are from a simmilar model/showroommodel,mine still is in a wooden box in a cold dark storageroom...poor thing will be happy to see my shop...
And yes it's a......eeeeeh aaaa...foreighn made...there,i said it,it's a foreign made lathe,hope i dont get punished for that :wack:
ok,lets give it a try...aaaaand ...nothing,well,that's a surprise lol,ok,here i go already,how do i put some pics onhere? :scratch:

Welcome aboard the cube Mr Bird


Best way to post pics is to open an account with http://s431.photobucket.com  its free to host your picture, load the pictures you want to copy on photobucket then copy and paste them from their to the forum, their is a more detailed explanation some ware on madmodder but I can't find it.  :bang:

Posting pics is a good thing to get to grips with as  :worthless:

We like helping each other on here so just ask as many question you like, and I hope you get to grips with our strange sence of humor.  :hammer:

Have fun




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