The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Where did time go !!!

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Awww, thanks Andrew, and my apologies to Jacob if he's a bit nippy at night....

Whilst the wife can knit, we are a pair of amateur weavers.....   Turning perfectly good fleece into lumpy wear.   I don't have the finess for spinning nailed down yet, 3ply you could anchor a boat with......

Wash and card the wool in the summer, attempt to spin and weave over the winter.   Amazing how much you can get done with no telly.

Hmmmm, a couple of tea cosies for the headlight's, now your thinking lads.....

Wash the raw wool and save the water to water the tomatoes - sheep poo makes great fertiliser  :lol:

Got it, wash tomatoes in sheep water and eat.... :thumbup:


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