The Breakroom > The Water Cooler

Where did time go !!!

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I retired at 58. Well, I was made redundant and, hating IT so much, I thought blow it. I had to do a few odd jobs for three years working with a mate: flat refurbs, plumbing, electrical, that sort of thing.

It's great to be able to do as you please, when it pleases you. But make sure that you do something. I'm not married, so no-one to push me  :thumbup:

Sea dog, I did 20yrs in I.T most at a university as a computer engineer, moved out of that and into engineering thanks to unofficial training at the Uni's engineering department for my last few years there as the computer services department dumbed down.   Setup the home shop and started doing local work, was tempted to the darkside when the opportunity came up to build commercial jet engines !!!  All be it model ones, did it for a couple of years as it just wasn't the kind of job that comes along very often in life.   Back to self employed, and now counting down the days, plenty of hobbies and short attention span 😂 never could hope to build some big models or even small ones looking at my track record...

Wife has plans for us, in regards a little sporty car, Pembleton T24.   That should keep my hands full and still justify keeping some of the workshop active, but that's about a year out from now.   Repairs and problem solving I guess will never end, so not expecting a quiet corner and gathering cobwebs for a good while yet.


--- Quote from: Joules on August 05, 2023, 10:04:31 AM ---
Wife has plans for us, in regards a little sporty car, Pembleton T24.

--- End quote ---

Joules - I had to Google a Pembleton T24 never having heard of them.

What a beautiful little motor!

Have fun!

Get the wife to knit seat covers, there’s a Jacobs sheep fleece on the way to you as of lunchtime today  :clap:


--- Quote from: awemawson on August 07, 2023, 04:57:19 PM ---Get the wife to knit seat covers, there’s a Jacobs sheep fleece on the way to you as of lunchtime today  :clap:

--- End quote ---

Andrew - send him another and she can knit a soft-top!


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